
Developer since 1982, I met VBA in 1998, and since then it's become my favorite programming language.
Often underestimated, VBA is a powerful tool allowing extraordinary results, especially to automate long, tedious and repetitive tasks, but also to create complex, corporate-level applications.
Do you use MS Office at your workplace? Then VBA is the perfect tool to simplify your users' work, increasing their potential and productivity.

Hints, ideas, tips, tricks, unusual code. Visit the shop to download free VBA samples, but also tutorials about useful and interesting topics, and tools you can embed in your projects.



  • Grandi notizie!

    [1 Settembre 2024] Access User Groups Italia apre i battenti!

    Access Users Groups e' una comunita' che unisce sotto di se' sviluppatori e utenti Access di tutto il mondo. Attualmente comprende 8 gruppi (SQL Server with Access, Latino America, Spagna, Eastern time, Lunchtime, Pacific, Europe e Express Australia). Ogni gruppo si incontra online una volta al mese per circa un'ora, durante la quale uno speaker e' invitato a parlare di un tema collegato ad Access. E' un modo per scambiarsi piccole e grandi idee, novita', aggiornamenti, tecniche vecchie e nuove, per imparare e per tenersi in contatto. Sta per aprire il capitolo "Italia", il primo Access Users Group completamente in Italiano. Per tutti gli incontri useremo Zoom.

    Se siete interessati, vi consiglio di iscrivervi al gruppo per ricevere i link delle prossime riunioni direttamente tramite email.



    Abbiamo bisogno di speaker per le nostre prossime riunioni. Mi rivolgo quindi a voi, amici e colleghi programmatori italiani: c'e' un argomento di VBA di cui volete parlare? Conoscete qualche tecnica VBA che volete condividere con la comunita'? Avete realizzato un'applicazione Access che volete far conoscere e pubblicizzare? Volete presentare alla comunita' un qualunque argomento legato ad Access o al VBA? Se si', non siate timidi: contattatemi, e collaboreremo insieme allo sviluppo e alla diffusione di uno dei software piu' belli (e purtroppo meno compresi e apprezzati) al mondo (specialmente in Italia...). E' anche l'occasione per entrare in contatto con la grande comunita' internazionale di Access.
    Vi ricordo che per partecipare alle riunioni mensili di qualunque gruppo non c'e' iscrizione, non ci sono quote da pagare, e non c'e' nessun vincolo: c'e' solo un link Zoom da cliccare. Visitate l'home page di AUG per maggiori informazioni e per il calendario dei gruppi.

  • Interview about "Access on steroids"

    [3 Apr 2024] The great Karl Donaubauer interviewed me to talk about my book. Thanks Karl, it's been an honor!

  • Book presentation

    [18 Feb 2024] Here's the recording of my book presentation to the "Access with SQL Server" group, last week. Thanks again guys for having me!

    [30 Jan 2024] UPDATE: "Access on Steroids" gets international! E' ora disponibile anche la versione in Italiano!

  • Access on steroids

    [05 Jan 2024] The last months have been very hard, due to serious family problems. Nonetheless, I managed to finish the book I was writing. It's called "Access on steroids", and contains all about my main work, what I call "dynamic" interfaces.

    In 190 pages you'll find:

    - A collection of my own "good" practices
    - An introduction to VBA classes
    - The so-called "bit-field" technique
    - How to realize a drag and drop engine
    - How to create a "sliding form" effect
    - How to build a scrollable timeline

    Starting from scratch, you'll be able to create classes you can easily embed in your projects to spice up your Access applications. The package also includes all the source code, fully commented.

    Watch a presentation video on my YouTube channel.

Coming next

  • Great news!

    [12 May 2024] A new chapter of the great Access User Groups brotherhood is coming! We're working to open AUG Italia, the first Access discussion group for Italian developers. Stay tuned!


  • New VBA pill!

    [12 Apr 2024] Long time no see! Was busy with other things, but here's another free VBA pill: a Gregorian-Ethiopic calendar translator.
    I know, that's very peculiar and not for everyone... but years ago I had the chance to spend some time in Ethiopia, as a VBA consultant for the United Nations. I still have some contacts and some good friends there, and I was asked if it was possible to create a calendar translator between our Western Gregorian Calendar and their Coptic calendar. Well, why not? Here it is, an Access version and, exceptionally, a Web version. Thanks, my friends, for the beautiful times and the fond memories!

  • A new look

    [23 Jan 2024] Nothing revolutionary, but it was time for some small tweaks to this site...

  • New tutorial: Continuous form sorting

    [28 Feb 2023] Would you like to sort your continuous forms by double clicking on a column header? Sorter shows you how to add this feature to your projects in an easy and quick way. Embed the components in your project, configure the included table, and you're set to go. Short preview on my YouTube Channel.

  • New tool: Sliding tickers

    [31 Jan 2023] Another tool has joined my online shop! With Sliding Ticker you'll be able to easily create colored ticker bars. The labels act as sliders, so users can drag and drop them to make their selection. An unusual alternative to more common text boxes and spin buttons. Watch a demo on my YouTube Channel!

  • New tool: Password builder assistant

    [15 Jan 2023] Another tool has reached my online shop! Password Builder Assistant will help your users create a new password which matches the house rules. Watch a demo on my YouTube Channel!